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Braised Figs on Toast for Breakfast

Still on figs, and this is just the white figs, the first to come into season.  The brown figs are still to come. This white fig tree was pruned last winter, not too heavily, and this year has been such a good crop I’m thinking that pruning might become much more regular.  Figs are deciduous and this one is on the west-south-west side of the house.  In winter it lets sun and breeze through onto the verandah where we hang washing in uncertain weather. In summer it’s a thick green curtain.

Hardly worth a recipe, but this has been so regular a breakfast, I thought it worth sharing with you: my 11 Grain Sourdough toast with feta cheese and braised figs.

The figs are simply roughly chopped and cooked for a few minutes with a little water just to start them off, till they are soft and the juice reduced to a syrup. You can add a little honey if you have a sweet tooth.

This is why I don’t bother with jam much these days.  By the time the figs finish, the guavas and persimmons will be on, and then the citrus will start, and still have kumquat marmalade on the shelf from last year!

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes

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