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Roast Pumpkin and Macadamia Dip (or Spread)

Pumpkin season.  Infinite number of pumpkin recipes required. This one has used up several of our pumpkins, and will use up several more before the season ends.

This is one of the dips I made for our Halloween progressive dinner (southern hemisphere Halloween, last weekend).  The kids got into it and made a very big dent in it before the adults even got a go.  Sadly I didn’t get any left over to bring home.  So I just had to make another batch for spreading on my lunch sandwiches.

(You could probably substitute cashews or almonds for the macadamias if you live outside maca growing country).

The Recipe:

Chop 500 grams of pumpkin into bite sized pieces and spread them on an oiled baking tray.

Add 3 cloves of garlic (skin on) and roast for 10 minutes or so  in a medium oven until the pumpkin is tender to a fork.

Spread ½ cup roughly chopped macadamias on another  baking tray, and roast for about the same time until they are just starting to brown.  (Best to do them on separate trays though, so you can avoid overcooking either part).

Tip into a food processor with

  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • scant ½ teaspoonground cumin
  • scant ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • good pinch of chili powder
  • good pinch of salt

Blend until chopped fine but not smooth – you want a bit of texture left in the nuts. Taste and adjust the chili, salt and lemon juice levels to your liking.

Best the next day, if you can wait that long.

Posted in Recipes, Snacks, Dips and Party Plate Food, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. tricia

    Sounds delicious. I’ll give it a go tomorrow with almonds. We’re dip crazy here at the moment – beetroot, eggplant, hummus. It’s the easiest way to get Little eco to eat vegetables.

  2. Liss

    Oh I am totally doing this.. totally! I don’t think I’d be waiting until the next day, it must be hard not to eat with a spoon, but I think this would be perfect with swedish crispbread.. *drool*

  3. marie

    I made the pumpkin dip for a work function. I served it with crakers made from a basic pizza base sprinkled with Mountain Salt and Sesame seeds. Everybody loved it and of course demanded the dip recipe. thanks Linda. I love your recipes.

  4. Pingback:Roast Beetroot and Macadamia Dip

  5. Mary

    I made the Pumpkin and Macadamia dip recipe this morning I used roasted pine nuts and added a little more chilli and cumin. Wow! what a dip, thank you.
    Dairy free and so easy.

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