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Clear Conscience Rice

Rice has long been one of those foods I’m conflicted about. Mainly because of the environmental ethics. I’ve always thought I didn’t have the right conditions for growing it, I didn’t want to contribute to the degradation of the Murray Darling basin by buying Australian rice, and imported rice really isn’t in any version of a 100 mile diet.

Then some wonderful growers right in my neck of the woods began growing dryland rice.  It’s not irrigated and it’s not sprayed.  A different local grower is even producing it biodynamically, sold in bulk, and not much more expensive than the black and gold supermarket rice.  Faster cooking, fresh tasting, nutty, wholegrain, organic, clear conscience rice.  How good is that.

Posted in Ethical

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  1. Linda

    I’m going to check out where I can get some. We love rice and I worry about all the things you spoke of, and don’t enjoy my meal as much when I feel guilty. Thank you for this post!

  2. kim

    Oh, I didn’t know that about rice…interesting. I will have to keep an eye out in our local organic shop for something like this….though it probably wont fit in the 100 mile thing as rice doesn’t grow in this area.I love your knowledge of facts and how you apply them, Linda…it’s a good yardstick to go by.

  3. Elaine coolowl

    Sounds wonderful! Getting it is going to be a challenge. Although I live just north of Brisbane even where it’s grown (Northern Rivers NSW) is quite a distance from here. The link Dixiebelle found leads to an online shop headquartered in a Sydney suburb. So sending the Rice down to Sydney then sending it back up here doesn’t meet any criteria for ‘local’. Darn. Even travelling down to the Northern Rivers farmer’s markets doesn’t accord with ‘local’ either and since getting public transport is a bus too far, the ‘local’ concept while brilliant, just doesn’t suit all circumstances. As indeed nothing does really. Some things we either go without (BD rice!) or grow (on 600o sq metres?) or just buy at the local shop. One day 🙂

  4. Teresa

    I’m envious. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll ever find local rice in New England, USA–far too cold. I was thrilled to discover some sources for other local grains recently, though.

  5. gilly

    Thanks for sharing this, I didn’t think I would find any where I live, just north of Brisbane, but lo and behold a local health food shop had some 🙂

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