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Hilling Up the Spuds

These are the spuds I planted back in early August. They grow so fast!  I planted them in a trench about 20 cm deep and I’ve been pulling the compost in around the stems, leaving just the top leaves exposed as they grow.  This morning I hilled them up a bit more – they now have about 80 cm of stems underground, hopefully with lots of little shoots starting to bulb out with spuds. In another few weeks they should start to flower and I will be able to start bandicooting them, or stealing potatoes from under the mulch leaving the plant to finish growing out.  I hope. We have hot weather on the way according to the weather reports, and if it gets too hot too early they won’t bear well. Fingers crossed.

Posted in Garden, Garden Diary, Mid Spring

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  1. Di

    This is nothing to do with hilling potatoes, but…..
    I have been reading your recipes etc, and would like to know which is best when buying a pressure cooker, electric, or one that goes on top of the stove. Have no experience with pressure cookers and would value some advice on which is the best way to go.
    Cheers Di

  2. Linda

    Hi Di,
    My pressure cooker is a stainless steel stovetop one. I love it because it doubles as a big stainless steel pot with a good lid, as well as a pressure cooker.I would use it practically every day and I can’t see any reason it won’t last forever. I steer away from single-use kitchen appliances.

  3. Kris

    Perfect timing for this post, thankyou!. First time potato grower and I was wondering exactly how this hilling/mounding thing worked. I completely covered mine up, so tommorrow I shall uncover the top leaves.

    I read your blog regularly, love it , thankyou

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