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A Bush Lemon Cleaning Binge

Ok, I admit it.  There was no staging necessary for this shot.  This is the real state of my laundry tub.  That is,  until today when I realised I have lemons to spare.

I was going to say “to waste” but this isn’t waste.  This time of year you may well find a laden tree somewhere, and even if you are buying them, lemons will likely be cheaper than any other cleaning product.

In “Up To Our Necks In Citrus” season, there’s another nice thing you can do with lemons that are falling off the tree. They make great cleaning and polishing tools.  Not that I do much cleaning and polishing…but…

Half a lemon, with or without a bit of salt, will do a fantastic job on the bath, sink, taps, copper, oven, barbeque.  For really tough stuff (think oven), finely grate lemon rind, mix it with coarse salt, dip a half lemon in it, and use that to scrub.

It doesn’t kill fish, it doesn’t expose you to nasty chemicals, it smells lovely, it works, and it’s easy.  Really easy.

So easy that if you are going to do a cleaning binge, find a bush lemon tree and do it this time of year.

Posted in Ethical

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  4. Jo

    Oh my goodness. I just have a new oven because my other one died a horrible death. I hate the “oven cleaner” I will definately try the lemon way. Thanks very much

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