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Food that is healthy, tasty, local, seasonal, ethical, green, and sustainable.

Those terms are all controversial, and I am not a purist. So this blog is a conversation about how to tend in that general direction, while still keeping a household, a job, a family and everything else happening.


  • 50 things about me
    I’m the Linda Woodrow who wrote 470 (Melliodora Publishing, 2020). (You can find out about it, including where to find it, at And The Permaculture Home Garden (Penguin, 1996). I’m not the Linda Woodrow who was briefly married or engaged or something, to Elton John. I started this blog over a decade ago now. It spans some changes.…
  • Good, good and good
    This is a blog about food that is good for you, good for the planet, and just plain good … all at once. But what does that look like, in practice? Good for you When I started this blog, over a decade ago, “good for you” meant nutrient-dense, real food. A big part of what…