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Breakfast Party Lemon Curd

This is one for the breakfast party people.  I’m not sure how it would go for preserving.  For me, lemon curd is lemon season party food rather than a pantry item.  This time of year, with lemons and eggs both in season, is it’s time to shine.

I think maybe standard recipes have so much sugar because it helps preserve them.  If you are making lemon curd for eating more or less straight away, you can use a lot less sugar. It’s still very sweet – plenty sweet enough for even the sweetest toothed kids at the party – and it would probably keep for a while in the fridge.  I never have leftovers to test that theory!

The Recipe:

You need a double boiler, which is just a heatproof bowl that fits nicely in the top of a saucepan.  I have an enamel bowl that is perfect for this.

Put a couple of inches of hot water in the saucepan and bring it to the boil.  The bowl will be heated by the steam.  This is important. It won’t work if you heat the curd directly.

Beat together:

  • 4 eggs (medium size – 50 grams each)
  • Juice from 3 lemons (200 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons of finely grated rind
  • ½ cup raw sugar
  • 100 grams of melted butter

Pour the mix into the bowl and stir constantly with a wooden spoon till it thickens.  This will happen quite quickly.  Don’t boil.  It will thicken up a bit more as it cools.

Wonderful on pancakes or croissants or toast for a special breakfast.

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes

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  1. Liesel

    I just opened your site to do a history search for lemon curd because Mr 3.5 is asking for it – perfect timing!
    (or is it just that everyone has excess eggs and lemons at present?)

  2. tricia

    I love the idea of simply enjoying lemom curd now – rather than preserving. I know what we’ll be having for breakfast on saturday morning. Thank you Linda 🙂

  3. Pingback:When life gives you lemons… | la 17 de noviembre

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