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Bunya Battered Fish

It’s a bunya year, and easy to see why they are a feasting food for multitudes. We’ve been eating them just sauteed in butter and garlic, or made into pesto, or used as a dipping stick, or stirred into stir-fries or curries, just about every day.  Bunya batter is a nice find though, worth sharing.

The Recipe:

The Bunyas:

I’ve posted this method before, but here it is again so you don’t have to click around.  The big green cones fall apart as they ripen.  It’s fairly easy to peel off the corm to release the nuts inside, that look like this:

You can roast them at this stage, but I think they are better boiled or pressure cooked.  Boiling takes an hour or so, but pressure cooking is much faster.  I pressure cooked these for 20 minutes then cooled them, then cut them in halves and scooped out the nut.

My lately preferred way to cut them is using big clippers or secateurs.

The batter then is just bunya flesh blended with a pinch of salt and enough water to make a thick batter.

Dry the fish fillets, toss in cornflour, coat in batter, and fry in hot oil.

Posted in Recipes, Sustainable Seafood Recipes

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  1. Joy

    I have just been kicking them out of the way when I mow. Never realised they were so versatile. I will see them in a different light now. Good to see a post from you again.

  2. Katie

    Great to see you back. I finally got around to making your brown snake bean paste the other day and love your recipes. Don’t know of anyone with bunya seeds but you never know!

  3. Renae

    So nice to see you’re back. I don’t usually comment, but have enjoyed reading all your posts, particularly as your seasonal suggestions are just right for the Tweed area.

  4. Jane

    What a lovely surprise Linda. Welcome back. I watched a bunya nut episode on gardening Australia recently and wished they grew down here in the south. I love your recipes and food ideas. Cheers for now.

  5. Yvonne

    So nice to see you back. You’ve never been too far away as far as I’m concerned because I’m always thumbing through your old recipes and trying one or the other. I love how easy they are to prepare especially using seasonal veggies and cupboard staples.

  6. Linda

    Thank you everyone. I never expect anyone to miss me here. But … I will be back posting regularly but maybe not just yet. I’m writing a cli-fi novel, or trying to, and there’s only so much writing I can fit in.

  7. Melanie

    I know for sure that your posts have definitely been missed in this household! Really great to see a new post from you Linda

  8. Ruth

    I was hoping the lack of blog posts was due to you working on another book! I’m sure you’ll let us know when its out. 🙂

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