A bowl of hot custard on a cold winter morning (with banana if you can keep the bush turkeys from getting all of them) and the world is a warm and nurturing place!
Australian salmon are not a salmon at all, but a sea perch, and though sustainable, they are notoriously not a prized table fish. If fresh caught, bled, skinned, and filleted to remove the dark “blood” meat, the flavour is good – strong but good. The texture is more the problem. They are a bit chewy and soft at the same time. Only one way to honour the life of an…
Five serves of vegetables a day doesn’t seem like that much. I love vegetables and eat lots of them. But it’s amazing how easy it is to miss a day or two.
If you’ve visited here before, you will know my thoughts about kangaroo as the red meat of choice for Australians. The recent controversy about live cattle exports has brought it to the front of my mind again.
The basis for this is very much like my Everyday Sourdough recipe. The fruit and nuts though inhibit the rising, and I like it best when it’s chokka with fruit and nuts.
For perfect poached eggs, you need very fresh eggs. You can add vinegar to the water, get it swirling into a little whirlpool, do whatever you like, but you won’t get perfect poached eggs without very fresh eggs. Fresh eggs cook in one little mound with the white all staying together and a yolk that is high and has a glaze of white over it. The white sets while the…
Out in the garden this morning in the rain, little grizzle about picking in the cold and wet, until I remembered – no visit to the supermarket after work, no trying to find parking close enough to avoid getting drenched, no queues of tired and grumpy people. Just this lovely quiet of a misty morning with trees all sparkling with raindrops and happy frogs calling.
If I can keep the routine going, I can harvest a dozen or so carrots pretty well most weeks of the year.
If you want to be voted best cook ever by a five-year-old, give them a bowl of warm mandarin curd and a spoon. It’s not exactly a balanced breakfast but it’s high protein, low sugar and pretty healthy, and oh so good.
This was an accidental discovery. I had some friends coming for lunch and I had baked ricotta with salad in my mind. But I’d forgotten that I’d used the ricotta. Oops.