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Category: Recipes

Red Claw Pappardelle

I was planning to make three large males go around four of us, and then at the last minute two more arrived for lunch. And like loaves and fishes, three red claw went generously round six people as red claw pappardelle with a green salad and some garlic sourdough on the side.

Guava Jellies

Guavas are in glut right now and I keep seeing unharvested trees everywhere. Guava jelly, which can be made as jam to spread on toast (just by using half the quantity of sugar) but is spectacular as a firm jelly to eat with cheese on crackers is the only really good thing I know to do with a glut of guavas, but it’s a really good thing to do with…

Creamy Pumpkin and Macadamia Pasta

It’s the southern hemisphere Halloween, and I totally get it why Halloween features pumpkin lamps. Halloween is the final harvest festival, and marks the start of the season of gathering in – firewood, mulch, water, pumpkins, passata, preserves, warm clothes, books, tribe and wisdom.

Little Fish

I had two recipe successes at the beach, and this is the other one. I live with a bloke whose idea of bliss is standing thigh deep in ocean on an overcast day using all the sensory skills of a hunter. We were at a good fishing beach, there was a nice east coast low making perfect conditions, he spent many hours at it. And still, we ended up at…

Sourdough Banana Bread

I make this the first time on holiday at the beach – overripe bananas, sourdough starter, flour and a little salt and that’s all. And it was spectacularly good. In the weeks since, I’ve tried adding kibble and adding nuts and adding cinnamon and nothing has come near that perfect banana-y but not overly sweet crusty and chewy bread, toasted with butter and nothing else. Simple and divine. Overcomplication is…

Kangaroo Stir Fry with Ginger and Lemon Grass

I post a lot of vegetarian recipes here but we’re not vegetarian. Sometimes we go for ages eating vegetarian, but more because that’s what I feel like cooking and eating and I have all the ingredients I need without going shopping, than for any philosophical reason. If you’ve ever seriously tried to feed yourself out of a garden, you will know that animals – big ones and very little ones…

Snake Bean and Tomato Salad

My favourite variety of beans at the moment – brown seeded snake beans. So long as I can keep water up to them, they don’t mind how hot it gets, and they bear really prolifically over a month or more. They make a great salad, blanched then dressed with a balsamic olive oil garlic dressing while they are still warm. Or, like this, lightly sauteed with lots of garlic, then…

Mango and Ginger Not Jam

I don’t make jam. If I did, I’d just have to eat it and I really don’t need that much sugar. Besides, I am very very lucky in that I live in a place where there is some fruit in season pretty well any time of the year, and making not-jam is so much easier. Mulberry not jam, followed by strawberry, then peach and nectarine and plum, then mango, then…