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Cauliflower Cheese Soup

Second of the cauliflower season Tuesday Night Vego Challenge recipes. It’s an oldie but a goodie.  This is a fairly low fat, low GI version of the ultimate cold winter night comfort food. I like cauliflower cheese soup kept very simple, and I find adding potato tends to make it gluggy, so this version has no potato and low fat cottage cheese.

The Recipe:

For two adult dinner serves.

Gently sauté an onion in a little olive oil in a large, heavy pot with a tight fitting lid, or a pressure cooker.

As it softens, add

  • 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped,
  • ½ teaspoon cumin seeds
  • ½ teaspoon dill seeds
  • grating of black pepper

As soon as the seeds start popping, add ½ cauliflower, stems and all, chopped into flowerettes, along with 2 cups of vegetable stock. If your stock is homemade, you may like to add a pinch of salt too, depending on how salty you make your stock.

Simmer for around 15 minutes or pressure cook for 5, until the cauliflower is quite soft, then add

  •  ½ cup of low fat milk.
  •  ½ cup of low fat cottage cheese
  •  ½ cup of grated tasty cheese 

Blend until it is very smooth.  I find my stick blender the best tool for this, but you could use a food processor or even pass it through a mouli or sieve.  I like cauliflower soup very smooth.

Put it back on the heat and bring it back up to temperature, stirring all the time and not boiling. If you boil it at this stage it will curdle, and if you don’t stir, it will stick.  It just needs to be brought back up to eating temperature. Taste and add salt if needed.

Serve with a sprinkle of chopped dill as garnish and some good wholegrain toast for dipping.

Posted in Recipes, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. Eileen

    Tried your crumbed cauli this week. It was so delicious I nearly finished off the whole lot. Am having cauli soup tonight – sme I had in the freezer from some time ago. Am selling my house and moving to an over fifty-fives place. After following your chook dome garden system for twelve years it is going to be an enormous change. Think I will have to depend on worms and compost from now on. Never too late to make a new start even at eighty two.

  2. Linda

    Eighty two is a master gardener! I am impressed. I will love to see what you create in your new place. I think small gardens are the big hope.

  3. Eileen

    Thanks Linda. I have made a list of things to do before my place goes up for sale. So far I have two ticks. Am having some tofu mince and pasta my daughter made up for me when she was staying. It’s very tasty.

  4. Liz

    I too find that potato makes cauliflower soup gluggy. I like this version and havign a cauliflower in the fridge I suspect it might end up being tomorrow’s lunch.

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