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Cheesy Corn and Onion Scones

Not a great photo – I hadn’t intended to Witches Kitchen these.  I was just about to serve  out some left over vegetable soup for lunch and visitors turned up.  These came together in 20 minutes while chatting to the visitors, and with a few additions to the soup, made a knock up lunch into a feast.  They turned out so well, they had to go here.

The Recipe:

Turn the oven on to heat up.  These like a hot oven.

Into your food processor blend together, just until they are combined:

  • 1¼ cups of wholemeal self raising flour
  • good pinch of paprika
  • 4 good dessertspoons of low fat cottage cheese
  • one egg

You should end up with a soft dough that you can knead.

  • Strip the corn off a cob.
  • Chop one or two spring onions, greens and all.
  • Chop 50 grams of low fat feta cheese into little cubes.

Flour your work surface well, tip the dough out onto it, tip the corn, onions and cheese on top and knead the lot together.  You don’t need to knead much – not like bread – just enough to combine it all well.

Pat the dough out to about 3 cm thick and use a small glass to cut out scones.

Place them close together on an oiled baking tray.  Use your fingers to dob a little oil on the top of each scone.  Bake in a hot oven for about 15 minutes until they are lightly browned.

Posted in Recipes, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. Kerri

    Linda, how high for the oven?? I can’t wait to make these, they sound divine!! I have been dreaming of them since I read the recipe.

  2. Linda

    Hi Kerri, they like a hot oven. Mine is gas and antique, so I never know exact temperatures. But for these I lit the oven, mixed them, left it on full bore, and put them on the top shelf, so about as hot as I could get it quickly.

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