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Fruiting Planting Days in Late Summer

I’m planting:

(All well advanced seedlings)

  • Zucchini (Blackjack)
  • Squash (Sunburst)
  • Cucumber (Richmond Valley)
  • Tomatoes (Red and Yellow Cherry)
  • Capsicums (Corno de Toro)
  • Chilis (Jalepino)
  • Beans (Brown Seeded Snake and Blue Lake Climbing)
  • Eggplant (Striped)

The eggplant is a bit of a long shot.  It is really too late, even for seedlings 30 cm tall like this one.  But it is a new variety I couldn’t resist, so I’ll give it a very sunny spot and hope to get some fruit. It’s too late for the Jalepino this year too, but this is a variety that has overwintered for me before, so I am hoping to have well established plants that will bear early next spring.

In the shadehouse, I’m not putting in very many new seeds this time.  It’s an in-between season for fruiting annual seed planting – too late now to put in more seed of eggplants or capsicums, too early for peas or broad beans.  I have put in another couple of seeds each of zucchini, squash, and cucumbers but they are hopeful – if we get an early cold snap I might only get a few weeks bearing out of them.   But then again…last year we were harvesting cucumbers right through to July. I have put in another round of cherry tomatoes – up here I can often get them to bear all the way through winter – but I won’t put in any more beans – I’m saving the trellis space now for peas.  Time goes so fast in the garden!

Posted in Garden, Garden Diary, Late Summer

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