My Halloween lantern for tonight. A particularly daggy one, but Happy Halloween everyone anyway everyone! I am remembering to be grateful for what I have inherited from the ancestors, generation through generation. Music, stories, art, science, inventions, roads, trainlines, medicine, tools. I am remembering to be grateful, and in gratitude, pay it forward.

Posted in Ethical
Have you got any plans in you community tonight to celebrate Linda?
I think a particularly characterful lantern and am heartened that you are celebrating what actually feels right for our seasons! I completely forgot and got goosebumps reading this this morning 🙂 Thank you!
Hi Fiona, We did a kind of reverse trick or treat – candles, lanterns, dress ups, met at dark ( which is now 5.30) at the end of our valley road and walked the kilometre to the hall, stopping at the house of everyone not with us to leave treats, then pumpkin soup and a bamboo bonfire (bamboo is spectacular in a bonfire) and the Yule draw. Some years we have a progressive dinner, with some kind of performance at each place. Last big one like that was Shakespeare which was particular fun. Last couple of years it seems everyone is in overwhelm a bit and they’ve been less ambitious. But last night was lovely all the same. Stars and bonfire and walking in the night with kids plying spooky and stories and laughter.
I have beans planted but I forget what they are! I thought they were for a semi subtropical area, as we are near Ballina. Grew prolifically,flowered very late, forming dull leaves sort of heat shaped, and yellow flowers, tiny beans seem very long and skinny…I thought maybe I saw them in your blog but searched the net to no avail!
Do you have any ideas please?! Love your work
It sounds like it could be rice bean? Not one I normally grow these days.
Wishing you a peaceful Samhain Linda.
Yes we should be grateful to the ancestors at this time of year and honour our beloved dead ( ANZAC day fits right in there doesn’t it). I visited with my Nanna and a good friend we lost this year (in a meditative sense) and it was reviving.