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Greens for the neighbours

The glut crops at the moment are broccolini and snow peas. I try not to do gluts. With the new, tiny garden area sequencing has become even more important – 60cm trellised row of snow peas each month, no more or I will run out of room to plant before the end of the season. Two kailan (Chinese broccoli) or one, just one, Green Sprouting Calabrese each month. Two red cabbages, two cauliflowers, two celery, a 60cm row of Telephone peas. I wrote a post a while ago about how to manage sequential planting of lettuces, but the same strategy applies all round.

Usually I raise about double that as seedlings, and give the rest away. Most weekends, there’s a punnet or two of seedlings out on the footpath. But the Kailan seedlings weren’t taken – probably no-one passing by recognised the name – I need a more descriptive sign for them. And they looked so healthy.

I could freeze these but knowing me, I’ll probably plant too many beans next and the broccolini will still be there next winter. More joy to be had making little bundles for the neighbours.

Posted in Community, Garden, Garden Diary, Mid Winter

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