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In Season in Late Winter

have been soooo busy lately, my garden and in season pages are way out of date!! An end to the crazy busy is in sight, and I’m dreaming of a time when I can get a bit more inspired and creative with my blog.  But meanwhile, just so’s the last In Season post is a late winter one, I thought I’d recycle last year’s, with some updates.

We’re eating broccoli and snow peas at just about every meal now, and started harvesting cauliflowers.  We have silver beet and kale coming out our ears. I didn’t plant cabbage this year, as I had so much self-seeded chinese cabbage.  This is the time of year to appreciate all the brassica family.  Not too much longer now and keeping the cabbage moths off them will be too much of an effort. It’s also the time of year to make the most of spinach and silver beet.  Those big green leaves need a lot of water!

The raddicchio are hearting. I realise I haven’t posted any recipes for them – something I’ll have to rectify! The peas and the broad beans are flowering and it won’t be long before I can start picking brussels sprouts.  This is the peak of the season for leafy greens here, so there’s lettuces of several kinds, beautiful crisp green celery,  lots of rocket, and as much of the leafy annual herbs – parsleycorianderdill as we like. Asparagus is just about to start.

Parsnips are fantastic this time of year, and carrots and leeks and spring onions and beets are all still in season.

The citrus season is getting near the end, and the berry season not too far off.  But we still have lots of lemons, the last of the mandarinsnavel oranges,tangelosgrapefruit and the very last of the limes.  Avocados are at the peak of their season round here, with several varieties all harvesting at once. Custard apples are in season, and the strawberries are flowering. We managed to salvage some bananas from the bush turkeys, but it’s probably just cruel to mention them!

Our macadamia nuts have finished but they are still picking them locally so I’m making the most of the last of the season.

So that’s the ingredients I’m basing my cooking around at the moment, and it’s giving me lots of options!
Posted in In Season

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  1. Celia

    What a productive garden you have, Linda! We’re on a much lower key planting schedule, but we’ve just harvested our first peas, there’s lots of kale, the broccoli is nearly ready, and the potatoes are looking really good this year! We’ve cut back our asparagus and they’ve grown back for the second time this year – poor confused things, they have no idea what they’re doing! Sweetheart cabbages are nearly ready, there are heaps of perennial leeks and cos lettuces and our lemon tree has now produced two edible lemons! 🙂

  2. Jason Dingley

    That’s an impressive harvest photo Linda, something for me to work towards. My recent harvest photos have been totally green. It has been very sad that none of peas worked. Next year I think I will also try and get the root vegetables in a bit earlier. I have even heard it being possible to grow banana here in SA if grown against a north facing wall.

  3. kim

    What a wonderful harvest basket picture! Love it when I come to your blog and get inspired to get out planting.I plan on a big carrot plot this spring and have my chicken tractor bed all scratched out and ready to go !

  4. Linda

    Wonder why the peas didn’t work? Root vegies are great this time of year. My garden is pretty near frost free, so I can get beetroot all year, and carrots, and parsnips love the cold.

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