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Jenga Bat

In our olive tree this morning, no doubt blown around in the wild weather of the last few days.  Anyone a better bat identifier than me?  Is it  a very young, small black flying fox (Pteropus alecto ).  It’s the right face and colouring, but it is only about 30cm long and they grow to much larger.  And it was all alone and usually they roost in colonies.  And it is the southern end of their range.  Perhaps it is a little red flying fox (Pteropus scapulatus) with very dark colouring?  That’s more likely for size, but still it wouldn’t usually be alone.

Both species eat mainly nectar from native forest species and theoretically only eat fruit as a last resort. They must only get pushed to that last resort around here at guava season because our guavas are the only fruit they regularly raid.

And I’ll gladly pay them in guavas in their hungry season for the work they do as pollinators.  Pollinated flowers drop viable seed.  Viable seed grows into trees that I don’t have to raise and plant, trees that are useful for timber and firewood and shade and beauty and stopping soil washing away and most important of all these days, breathing in carbon dioxide and out oxygen.

Whoever you are, I hope you find your tribe little bat. You and your kind are an important little part of the giant planetary life support system we share, and each little jenga block we remove brings the whole tower that much closer to crashing down.

flying fox2

“You can’t see me now can you. “

Posted in Animals

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  1. Nanette

    He/she is beautiful, I love bats, although I know people here in town complain about the smell of the colonies, but I don’t mind it. Hope little bat finds his mob soon.

  2. Wendy

    Oh gosh how wonderful! It would be a dream come true for me to find such a marvellous little creature in my garden. Thank you for sharing him or her with us.

  3. Jude

    We get the little red flying fox here in our gum trees when they flower. They are noisy neighbours and party all night, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

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