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Leafy Planting Days in Late Autumn

One of the things I like about planting advanced seedlings is the instant gratification of it.  This is the garden bed I planted out today – advanced seedlings of lettuce, raddichio,  parsley, chinese cabbages, cauliflowers, leeks, silver beet, spinach, celery, red cabbage, broccoli, kailan, plus some parsnips, broad beans, peas, and snow peas.

This is the bed I planted out just last month with a similar, but not quite the same mix.  I tried a late button squash in that bed, and it’s survived this week’s cold snap and is flowering, so I might just be lucky and get some May button squash. We’re already eating lettuce and mizuna from it.

April planted bed in MayToday I also planted seed in seed trays:

  • silver beet
  • cauliflowers
  • kale
  • leeks
  • lettuce
  • parsley
  • spinach
  • celery
  • dill
  • coriander
  • rocket
  • raddichio
  • cabbage
  • yukina
  • broccoli

My garden is pretty near frost free and winter is my best growing season for leafy greens.  I shall plant a very small amount of each of these in successive plantings for the next few months, and I’m already looking forward to the first spinach and feta pie of the season, in just a few weeks now.

Posted in Garden, Garden Diary, Late Autumn

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  1. Linda

    Hi Eileen, yes I do. The pots have a fairly rich mix of compost, worm castings and creek sand, and I water with dilute seaweed brew every few days. A few days before I want to plant them out, I put them out in full sun to harden off, and they transplant fine.

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