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Mango (or Blueberry, or Peach) Breakfast Oatcakes

The great mango glut is almost over – only a few more weeks – and the grapes will run out about the same time. Next will be kiwi fruit and figs and pomegranates – I went around squeezing them all this morning but they are not quite ready. But we don’t get this kind of mango season every year so I am making the most of it while I can!

This recipe has three superfoods – oats, eggs, and mangoes. Mangoes are really high in Vitamin C and beta carotene, and a decent source of several minerals. Eggs are protein, and also a good source of lots of vitamins including the hard to get B12, and they are rich in choline, which is important for memory. Oats are a low calorie, fairly low GI carbohydrate, with good amounts of B vitamins and several minerals, and they stop cholesterol from being oxidised and deposited in your arteries.

So all in all, it’s a great before school or work breakfast recipe. It is also really fast and easy for busy mornings, and can be eaten one-handed whilst searching for socks.

To make 6 oatcakes, beat two eggs and add half a cup of low fat milk, half a cup of rolled oats (not quick oats, just ordinary rolled oats, preferably organic), and a good tablespoonful of wholemeal SR flour.

Let it soak for a few minutes while you dice one large or two small-to-medium mangoes. You should end up with a mixture like the picture.  It doesn’t need any sugar, and I like it better without any spices, letting the mango have the floor.

Fry spoonfuls in a little butter in a heavy non-stick pan on a medium heat until they are set and golden both sides.

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes

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