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My Favourite Capsicums Stuffed With Couscous Pilaf

These are my favourite capsicums these days. I call them supermarket flats, just because the seed originally came from some capsicums I bought in the supermarket. I picked them up hoping they might be non-hybrid and got lucky. I think they are actually Baby Reds, and they are doing brilliantly for me – a sweet, crunchy, thick walled, fruit fly resistant, small capsicum that bears well and long.

So for this week’s   Tuesday Night Vego Challenge, I stuffed them with a current-sweetened, nutty couscous pilaf and baked for just 20 minutes in a fairly hot oven and they were gorgeous.  The concept should work with other kinds of capsicums too.

The Recipe:

Turn the oven on to heat up.  You need a fairly hot oven.

To stuff 6 of these little capsicums:


  • one small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ¹/3 cup chopped macadamias
As soon as they start to colour, add
  • a good handful of currants
  • 8 or so cherry tomatoes
  • ¹/3 cup  couscous
  • a pinch of salt
  • ¹/3 cup water

Turn the heat right down and cook for a minute or so until the couscous is softened.

Add a good handful of chopped mint. (Be generous)

With the point of a sharp knife, cut around the stem of the capsicums, pull out the core, and use a teaspoon to remove the seeds.  Teaspoon the stuffing mix into the capsicums to fill them right up. Place on an oiled baking tray, and bake in a medium hot oven for around 20 minutes till the capsicums are softened.

Did you do the   Tuesday Night Vego Challenge this week?  Links are welcome.

Posted in Recipes, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. Kate

    Oh yum they look fantastic Linda.I haven’t posted a Tuesday night challenge for ages. I blame the lack of computer time to the birth of my grandson, but it can’t all be his fault surely!

  2. Eileen

    Looks really yummy! Trouble is, i can’t keep up with all the eating I would have to do if I followed all your dishes. My vegan daughter was staying with me last week and we tried the curry which we enjoyed she also makes a great “meat”loaf usinf nuts and tofu and all sorts of things, also very nice. I discovered there are all these things in the fridge I have to finish before I can embark on any more. I have some chokos to use in your zucchini patties. I’ll soon be inundated with them for the first time in years. I do enjoy your page very much and have to open it before anything else.

  3. Liz

    Oh yum! I’ve been growing some really tiny capsicums that I stuff with feta and herbs. This looks like a great use for the next size up – I’ll need to plant some next year.

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