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Egg Curry

The Spring egg glut situation is still going on. The goose eggs have started hatching (three babies today and another egg or two to go) and the ducks have slowed down laying. But the chooks are still laying four or five eggs a day (even though some of them are well into chook middle age). So I made an egg curry on the weekend for a curry night feast for…


New Zealand green lipped mussels are listed as sustainable, and our local supermarket had them this week for less than $5 a kilo. We may be the last ever generation to be able to readily afford seafood like this so it had to be worth inviting friends for dinner. They have a lot of food miles, coming from New Zealand, and they’re frozen. But in the scheme of compromises you…

Egg Fu Yung

Which is a two part dish, consisting of an Asian style omelette in a mildly ginger laced vegetable stock sauce. It’s surprisingly addictive! I used duck eggs for this one, just because we have them, but chook eggs work just as well.