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Smashed Warm Potato Salad

This is the second of my potato harvest Tuesday Night Vego Challenge recipes. I often have lots of these tiny chats in my spud harvest, and they’re the best bit. Add some egg for protein and avoid loading up with mayonnaise, and it’s a healthy and very delicious dinner.

Dark Rye Sourdough

I have a new favourite bread. This one is sooo good I’ve made it half a dozen times over now. My last favourite was Seedy Sourdough Crispbread, and it’s still up there – I’ve been making a batch most weekends – but this dense, malty, well-textured, chocolatey rye bread is totally addictive.

Connecting the Dots

I was looking back through my blog this week, looking for topics that have been neglected for a while. And I realised that I haven’t done a “Sustainable Seafood” post for so long. And it is because I haven’t had fresh caught fish to experiment with for so long.

My Essential Pantry

Liz at Suburban Tomato did a post recently of Top 5 – Pantry items for the Kitchen Gardener. I was going to comment, but hard as I tried, I couldn’t get anywhere near down to five. But it did inspire me to start thinking: what are the pantry staples that I’d really want to have on hand if someone called me into a challenge like Fiona’s recent one (that I…

Spicy Eggplant and Bean Stew

The thing I am finding about the Tuesday Night Vego Challenge is that the range of healthy, from scratch, vegetarian dinners you can make in half an hour is much bigger if you put a bit of pre-thinking into it. Proving dough, soaking beans, salting eggplant all take only minutes to do, but you have to do them ahead of time.

Leafy Planting Days in Late Autumn

In just a couple of days it will be Halloween in the southern hemisphere – the traditional festival marking the point when the day length levels out again, and we start the 3 month period of short days. The days will slowly shorten now until the shortest day of the midwinter solstice, then slowly lengthen again until the beginning of August.

Lemon Feta Tortellini

I love my kitchen. It has a great big central kitchen bench in the middle of an otherwise very compact space (in a very compact house). I means cooking can be a social activity – several people can chop and stir and roll and fill at once. Kids can sit up at a stool and be involved, and if they play it right get to listen in on adult conversations.

Chilis for Winter

We have bulk chilis at this peak of the chili season. I’m not a huge fan of preserving – I’m lucky enough to live in a climate where if we eat seasonally, we can eat fresh all year round. Freezing takes lots of electricity, canning takes lots of work, and most preserves have more sugar or salt than I really need. But of course there are exceptions!