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Pumpkin Pecan Granola

We have a big and growing stack of pumpkins on the verandah.  A big stack.  This is just the start of the main pumpkin harvesting season and already I am looking for places to store them, feeding them to the chooks and to the redclaw in the front dam, and sending every visitor off with a 10 kg behemoth.

pumpkin stack

And using every pumpkin recipe in the repertoire – pumpkin pasta, pumpkin salad, pumpkin dip, pumpkin balls, pumpkin curry, pumpkin pie, pumpkin scones, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pizza, pumpkin soup, pumpkin cake, pumpkin patties.

So, you can see why my quest was to see just how much pumpkin I could include in a pumpkin granola and have it still crunchy and granola-ish.  The recipes I see have just half a cup or so of pumpkin puree.  Hmfff.  And also maple syrup, which is lovely but so far out of my 100 mile (160 km) zone that I don’t buy it for home.

This recipe uses treacle, which is just as healthy and much more local, and 1½ cups of pumpkin puree.  Which makes no dent at all in the pile but at least makes me feel like I’m trying.

The Recipe:

There are lots of substitutions possible, so this is the basic recipe and you can adjust to your own style.

Blend together:

  • 1½ cups of pumpkin puree – cooked pumpkin blended to smooth.
  • 3 big dessertspoons of treacle
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Pinch cloves
  • Pinch nutmeg
  • Pinch salt

Stir through 1 cup of pecans, and/or your choice of nuts and seeds. I added a handful of pepitas and macadamias.

Stir through 2½ cups of plain rolled oats, and/or your choice of rolled or puffed grains.  I used plain rolled oats, but I would have used rolled barley and triticale if I had any on the shelf.

Oil two large baking dishes really well and spread the mixture out as best you can without pressing down.

Bake in a moderate oven for around 20 minutes, then take out and break up clumps as best you can with a fork.

Bake for another 20 minutes or so and break up and stir again.

Mine took just under an hour to get to a nice roasty-ness.  It will crispen up as it cools.

If you want to add dried fruit, best to add it after it comes out of the oven as it burns too easily when roasted.

It’s great with fruit and yoghurt for breakfast or dessert, or just as is as a snack.

Store in an airtight jar and it will last for ages if you can manage to avoid raiding the jar all the time.  Dare you.

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes

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  1. Liesel

    I wonder if pumpkin is any good as a stock feed to grow your own meat? We have a small stash of pumpkins this season just from what has sprouted from spreading compost here and there.

  2. Marijke

    Hi Linda, I normally make my granola with applesauce in a way to cut back on fat and sugar. Pumpkin should do the same trick. My pumpkins aren’t ready yet, but are slowly taking over the garden. This time of year I let them. Looking forward to trying out this recipe. In the last year I’ve become a professional granola baker to supply (and promote!) our local farmers markets in Yamba and Grafton. It would make a nice autumn blend with cinnamon, ginger and buckwheat. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Linda

    We feed excess to our chooks, and to redclaw for meat. The bush turkeys love them but the geese like the leaves, not the pumpkins.

  4. Corrin

    Hi Linda,
    I the photo of pumpkin stash, you have Kent looking ones, green butternut looking ones, but what are the enormous ones shaped like a forgotten zucchini?

  5. clarien cornelisse

    Hi Linda. Your blog reminds me of a friend´s story. She grew up on an organic farm, and at some point of the year they would eat pumpkin in about every meal. As a baby she and her sister always had an orange glow on the skin and especcially on the nose from all the carotene! So … watch your nose! 😀

  6. Linda

    I don’t know Corrin. They are a gene mix. I think they’ve got some Gramma in there, but they are much drier flesh than a proper gramma.

  7. Jane

    Hi Linda,
    I grew Styrian pumpkins for the first time this year and am currently drying the seeds. Chooks are supposed to love the flesh, but only one of my chooks showed any interest. Do you cook the ones you feed to your chooks?
    Definitely going to try your recipe, it sounds sooo yum!

  8. Linda

    Hi Jane, I don’t cook them, I just cut them in half so they can get to the flesh easily. My chooks love pumpkin.

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