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Roast Beetroot and Macadamia Dip

roast beetroot and macadamia dip

This is the second of my Halloween dips.  This one disappeared even faster than the pumpkin one, with the kids happily hoeing into beetroot.  I have beetroot in the garden and macas from our trees, and another batch in the oven right now, the second one since. I’ve developed a fetish for beetroot dip open sandwiches for lunch.

Beetroot is a super-superfood.  That deep red colour is a giveaway.  It is extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamins including folic acid, and a big range of minerals. And there’s even a few hints it might be good for fending off dementia, which, every so often, I swear I must be getting!

The Recipe:

Peel and chop 3 medium sized beetroot into bite sized chunks.

Oil a baking tray, and spread the beetroot on it with

  • 2 cloves of garlic (skin on)
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seed

Bake in a medium oven for 20 minutes or so, until the beetroot is tender to a fork.

Spread ¼ cup of macadamias on another baking tray and roast them for around 10 minutes until they just start to brown.

Squeeze the garlic out of its skin and tip the lot into a food processor. Add 3 dessertspoons of lemon juice and a good pinch of salt.

Blend until it is finely chopped but not smooth, adding a little olive oil if necessary to get the texture right.

It’s better the next day, if you can  wait that long!

Posted in Recipes, Snacks, Dips and Party Plate Food, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. Linda

    I think you could substitute cashews, or almonds maybe. The garlic, lemon juice and cumin are the flavours that make it.

  2. Meghan

    Hi, I love reading and trying all the recipes!!
    Just a question – do you leave the skins on the beetroot when you are baking them??

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