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This recipe is challenging. It is much better the next day.  Now that is hard to achieve in our house!

I don’t have a freezer, not even a little one in the fridge.  We live with stand alone solar power, have done for nearly 30 years now.  It’s a very good way to learn about the electricity use of various appliances, and how to make educated decisions about their costs and benefits. And a freezer has never warranted the cost.

Thus I’ve never got into the habit of cooking ahead.  But this one, when I make it I make a decent sized batch and we eat it for a couple of lunches and dinners.  It’s just as good cold as hot and good enough to still look forward to the third time!  We rarely manage to postpone the first serving, but the second one the next day really is much better.

If you’ve visited here before, you will know my thoughts about kangaroo as the red meat of choice for Australians. This recipe is a kind of fast and easy moussaka-ish dish rendered double healthy by using, besides the very lean kangaroo, low fat dairy foods, eggs, and lots of vegetables.

The Recipe:

Part One: The Meat Sauce

This is simply a matter of making your favourite  bolognese sauce using 300 grams of kangaroo mince. My version is:

In a heavy fry pan

  • brown 300 grams of kangaroo mince in a little olive oil, breaking it up with the back of a wooden spoon.
  • Add two diced onions and two diced carrots and continue cooking till they start to brown.
  • If you like a bit of spice, add a sprinkle of crushed dried chilies or chili powder
  • then add
    • lots of chopped garlic,
    • some diced mushrooms,
    • good handful of finely chopped oregano,
    • and (this time of year) a jar of tomatoes.
  • Depending on how rich your tomatoes are, you might also add a spoonful of tomato paste.

Salt and pepper to taste and simmer for a few minutes till it is a nice thick sauce consistency.

Part Two: The White Sauce

This version is much faster, simpler and healthier than the traditional bechamel.

In a food processor or blender, blend together:

  • 3 eggs
  • 250 grams low fat cottage cheese
  • 250 grams low fat greek yoghurt
  • 60 grams low fat feta

Part Three: The Silver Beet

Remove the centre vein from a dozen large silver beet leaves but don’t chop the leaves.  Blanch by pouring boiling water over them in a pot, putting the lid on, and leaving for a couple of minutes, just to soften them so they will lie flat.

Part Four: Assembling and Baking

The baking dish I use for this is 30 cm by 20 cm. Spread half the meat sauce over the bottom, then a layer of silver beet, a couple of leaves thick over this.Spread half the white sauce on top, then the other half of the meat sauce, another layer of silver beet and another layer of white sauce.

Sprinkle grated parmesan lightly over the top, then bake in a medium oven for around half an hour until the top is lightly browned.

It’s great served with a green salad with a vinaigrette dressing.

Posted in Kangaroo Recipes, Recipes

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  1. Dani

    Linda – Never thought of Roo mince LOL, but there again, do’t know if you ever thought of ostrich mince, which is what I use in spag.bol, moussaka and lasagna

  2. Linda

    Hi Dani, yep, we can get roo mince in supermarkets these days. I imagine ostrich mince has some of the same benefits for you – lower ecological footprint, no greenhouse gases, native animal…

  3. Larissa


    I have been buying roo mince over the past month and have made some great recipes. Will try this one this week. I let my kids eat the roo meatballs I made before I told them what it was made out of and they were happy with it.

    It is a lot cheaper than other mince and taste great. The recipes you have done with the roo over the last 12 months I have been reading the blog has really inspired me to try this great alternative which is a lot more sustainable than other meat products.


  4. Linda Brennan

    Hi Linda Being a vegetarian, I am not too keen to make roossaka, but must admit to loving the dish. I have made it for 15 years now with mushrooms instead which is marvellous and gives the traditional dark colour and rich saucey flavour.
    Cheers, Linda Brennan

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