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The Breakfast Challenge – Soft Boiled Egg and Tomato on Toast

Soft boiled egg and tomato on sourdough

My superpower is boiling eggs. It’s not an infallible superpower, but most times I can sense when an egg is done.  I can make coffee and toast, listen to the radio, feed the sourdough and at some point think “egg”, and it’s just right.  I love using my superpower because it works best when I’m in the kind of mood where everything I touch turns out right, so when it works I know I’m going to have a good day.

There is no rule against using a timer though to train your superpower.  The trouble is that how long an egg takes to cook to perfection depends on the size of the egg.  The little eggs from the Australorp bantams I have at the moment take just over three minutes from boiling water to white all set and yolk just starting to set, the way I like them.

This cold snap has probably finished off the tomato season for most of you, so this will make the most of the last of them!

The Recipe:

Take one very fresh egg from a happy chook. You do not need to refridgerate eggs, so it should already be at room temperature.  Put it in a small pot with just enough water to cover it.  Bring to the boil, turn the heat down, and simmer, just at boiling point, for just over three minutes for a small egg, up to four and a half minutes for a very large one.

While the egg is boiling, put a slice of toast on and  finely chop one small perfectly ripe tomato and a couple of leaves of chives or spring onion.

Dunk the egg in cold water and cut off the top.  It will be impossible to peel a very fresh egg.  Don’t try.  Just scoop it out of the shell with a teaspoon, into a small bowl. Add a teaspoon of butter and a sprinkle of salt and pepper and chop it into the egg. Add the chopped tomato and chives and pile the lot onto a piece of hot sourdough toast.

Think how good the day is going to be.

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes

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  1. Jason Dingley

    Oh I wish I had your superpower. Particularly when I promise the kids boiled eggs and soldiers. To insure I live up to my promise I end up sacrificing two additional eggs that I crack open prior to the rest.

  2. Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial

    I so absolutely don’t have your superpower! I routinely overcook my eggs, but I don’t really care, because the homegrown eggs are always sooo fantastic that it doesn’t matter. Thanks for the lovely recipe – your breakfast looks divine (as does your bread!). 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial

    Hey, that’s GREAT news! My starter has been sulking a bit lately, which means I’ve needed to give it several feeds to wake it up each time. But over the years I’ve learnt a biiiig lesson, if the starter isn’t frothing and bubbly, just don’t bother to even try baking bread.

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