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Sourdough Naan Bread

Sourdough naan are superfast and easy, except that, like all sourdoughs, you have to think ahead.  If I think to feed the culture the night before, and spend 5 minutes making the dough in the morning, I can make naan to go with dinner just by multitasking while dinner is cooking.  And fresh, hot, soft naan turn a curry or a stew into something special.

The Recipe:

Makes 10

Step One:

Put 1½ cups of fed sourdough starter in a bowl and leave, covered, on the benchtop overnight.

Step Two:

Then add:

  • 2 big dessertspoons of low fat Greek yoghurt
  • 2 dessertspoons of oil – I use macadamia oil or olive oil
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 2 cups of baker’s flour. (I haven’t tried wholemeal naan. I use the Lauke Wallaby brand baker’s flour I can get from my local supermarket.)

Tip more baker’s flour on the benchtop, and knead for just a few minutes to get a smooth, not sticky dough.

Put a swig of oil in a bowl, and swish the dough around in it to cover, and leave it to prove in a warmish spot for another 8 hours or so.

Step Three:

Flour the benchtop and knead the dough briefly, then divide up into 10 little balls.  Roll each of the balls out into an oblong pancake about 1 cm thick.  Cover with a cloth and leave to prove for another half to one hour.  If you have floured the benchtop well, they won’t stick.


Heat a heavy frypan up till it is quite hot.  Put the naan in the dry pan and cook for just a couple of minutes on each side till it is puffed up and has golden brown spots where it has touched the pan. Wrap each one in a clean teatowel to keep warm as you make them. Perfect for soaking up curry or stew.

Posted in Bread, Recipes

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  2. Sandy

    Hi Linda

    I’ll look forward to trying this one. I’m just back from a work trip to India and loved the naan bread with all the fabulous dishes we had.


  3. Linda

    Hi Macks, It works fine without adding salt but if your taste likes a bit of salt, that’s fine too.

  4. Claire

    Hi Linda – I had some spare sourdough starter while I’m over in England helping my parents in law who are old and frail. We made a Malaysian chicken curry and I googled sourdough naan and your recipe came up! So I tried it! They were the most beautiful, light and fluffy naan we have ever tasted! I worked some very finely chopped garlic into the second knead and it worked sooo well!

  5. Linda

    That’s the traditional way of making it, and it has never upset the tummy of anyone I’ve made it for. Real yoghurt can stay out of the fridge indefinitely too. I think sourdough and yoghurt cultures prevents any nasty bacteria from colonising it.

  6. Candy

    Thanks so much, worked beautifully, used a pizza stone to bake (heating in oven for an hour) then very hot oven (230 plus) 6-7 minutes

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