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Tag: Autumn

Pumpkin Scones

I worried a little about this week’s Muesli Bar Challenge. Scones are not that sweet – I often think their main attraction is as a vehicle for cream and jam. But I needn’t have worried. They didn’t make it to school. I dropped them off to the reviewers at the bus stop, and they were immediately unwrapped and devoured.

Leafy Planting Days in Late Autumn

This time of year is perfect for leafy greens in my frost free garden. The various kinds of cabbage moths and web moths have all disappeared and my predator population can keep up with everything else. The days are still shortening as we head towards the winter solstice so they are not in too much of a rush to bolt to seed. The cooler weather makes it much easier to…

Grilled Flathead on Banana Leaves

I picked some lemon basil, dill and culantro from the garden and blended the herbs with a bit of lime juice, garlic and olive oil to make a thick marinade. We laid the fish on the banana leaves on the hot barbecue plate, spooned the marinade over the top, and put some whole cobs of corn and whole zucchini on the side. Guests arrived, opened the bottle of wine, turned…