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Tag: baking

Lemon and Ricotta Tarts

The dessert version of these is easy, but the healthy lunchbox version is a little trickier. It is still easy enough, though, to be within the bounds of the Muesli Bar Challenge rule: easy enough for busy parents and even kids themselves to be bothered actually making, routinely, for daily school or work lunchboxes.

Lemon Yoghurt Honey Muffins

All these healthy ingredients make up for the fact that, unusually for my lunchbox baking recipes, I think these go better with white flour. They are still good with wholemeal, but there is something about fluffy lemony lightness that makes a midwinter day bright!

Pumpkin Scones

I worried a little about this week’s Muesli Bar Challenge. Scones are not that sweet – I often think their main attraction is as a vehicle for cream and jam. But I needn’t have worried. They didn’t make it to school. I dropped them off to the reviewers at the bus stop, and they were immediately unwrapped and devoured.