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Tag: carrots

Mini Vego Chico Rolls

This recipe fills two dozen wonton wrappers – what we get in a packet of wrappers from the supermarket. Using bought ones makes the recipe really really fast and easy, but making your own isn’t hard especially if you use a pasta machine, so I’ll include the wrapper recipe too.

Roast Winter Root Veg With Caper Mayo

My all time, very favourite, can’t be beaten dinner is a plate of roast root vegetables. On their own. Little crispy caramelised bits on the edges and each individual vegetable a star in its own right. With home grown, very fresh vegetables it’s amazing. But even with bought vegetables it’s pretty good.

Tofu and Winter Vegetable Lunchbox

I’m not a huge fan of tofu because soy beans contain a number of compounds that can cause health problems, it takes a fair amount of processing to get tofu from soy beans, and they are one of the most genetically modified and unsustainably farmed crops on the planet. Nutrisoy and Soyco are a couple of brands that don’t use genetically modified soy beans.