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Tag: ricotta

Mandarin, Ricotta and Honey Slice

I am on a bit of a roll with the mandarin, ricotta and honey flavours. Plus mandarins are getting towards the end of their season so I’m eager to make the most of them. This one is, like last week’s cake, super easy. The flavours are similar -this one is a bit stronger flavoured – but the texture is quite different, more like a cheesecake.

Lemon and Ricotta Tarts

The dessert version of these is easy, but the healthy lunchbox version is a little trickier. It is still easy enough, though, to be within the bounds of the Muesli Bar Challenge rule: easy enough for busy parents and even kids themselves to be bothered actually making, routinely, for daily school or work lunchboxes.

Jedda’s Vegetable Moussaka

I can’t say this is fast and easy. It’s a long slow Sunday afternoon recipe, and it creates quite a bit of washing up! But there’s a good return on investment – for an hour or so of Sunday afternoon baking, you can have several very healthy dinners and lunches made ready for the week.