Which is a two part dish, consisting of an Asian style omelette in a mildly ginger laced vegetable stock sauce. It’s surprisingly addictive! I used duck eggs for this one, just because we have them, but chook eggs work just as well.
This is a bit of a Tuesday Night Vego Challenge rules cheat. Now the days have started really lengthening, even the geriatric chooks are laying so handmade pasta with real eggs was in my mind. And then I was looking for a cake tin deep in the back of the shelf and came across a fluted flan tin that I forgot I had. And in a moment of inspiration realised…
I cleared out the spent snow peas this morning and mulched up where they were ready to plant out some tomatoes next fruiting planting break. I ended up with this bowl of pea seed. Now the dilemma: should I save them to plant next year, or make hummus of them?
I’m not a huge fan of tofu because soy beans contain a number of compounds that can cause health problems, it takes a fair amount of processing to get tofu from soy beans, and they are one of the most genetically modified and unsustainably farmed crops on the planet. Nutrisoy and Soyco are a couple of brands that don’t use genetically modified soy beans.
I’ve planted a tray of Telephone peas, one of Oregon Dwarf Snow Peas, one of Diggers Climbing Snow Peas, and one of Aquadulce Broad Beans. The Aquadulce were chosen because they are an early variety, and this far north our broad bean season is short.