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Tag: sourdough

11 Grain Sourdough

I’m very proud of my sourdough these days. I’m making an eleven grain and seed mix that costs cents, takes minutes, and tastes good enough that I’m making it twice a week most weeks with little incentive to experiment. Here it is in pictures.

Sourdough Naan Bread

Sourdough naan are superfast and easy, except that, like all sourdoughs, you have to think ahead. If I think to feed the culture the night before, and spend 5 minutes making the dough in the morning, I can make naan to go with dinner just by multitasking while dinner is cooking. And fresh, hot, soft naan turn a curry or a stew into something special. The Recipe:

Sourdough Croissants

Sunday morning breakfast is my favourite kind of party. I turn into a pumpkin at about 8 pm, making me useless for evening parties, but a fine warm lazy Sunday, good friends, music, coffee and chai, and I’m happy. Sunday morning breakfast is my favourite kind of party. I turn into a pumpkin at about 8 pm, making me useless for evening parties, but a fine warm lazy Sunday, good…

Sourdough Made With Eggs and Yoghurt

What I have is a unbleached sourdough enriched with eggs and yoghurt, baked free form with poppy seeds on top. It’s crusty, rustic, moist and dense and toasts magnificently. What I have is a unbleached sourdough enriched with eggs and yoghurt, baked free form with poppy seeds on top. It’s crusty, rustic, moist and dense and toasts magnificently.

Fast Ribbolita

This is probably a contradiction in terms. Ribbolita is at its best the next day. But it is such a good winter warmer, such a hearty, filling, healthy, cheap mid-winter vego meal, that I needed to rise to the challenge of making it make-able mid-week.

Dark Rye Sourdough

I have a new favourite bread. This one is sooo good I’ve made it half a dozen times over now. My last favourite was Seedy Sourdough Crispbread, and it’s still up there – I’ve been making a batch most weekends – but this dense, malty, well-textured, chocolatey rye bread is totally addictive.

Silver Beet Sourdough Gozlemes

At the moment I am giving away armloads of silverbeet to visitors and using every silverbeet recipe in the repertoire, but any day now I expect the grasshoppers to arrive and the urge to bolt to seed to win out and the bounty will be over. Seasonal eating. Make the best of it while it lasts, then leave it off the menu till next winter.

Oat and Linseed Sourdough

I’m on a mission to lower my “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. I already eat really well, and I can’t bring myself to consider the “proven to lower cholesterol” margarines so there’s not a lot to play with. Oats, lots of oats, and oat bran, linseeds, and macadamia oil are just about the limit of the adjustments I can make.