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Tag: zucchini

Cheesy Zucchini Balls

I had many thoughts in mind for the platter this week – lots of different produce in glut and lots of occasions for sharing. But in the end I had one of those weekends where time just runs out and I found myself ditching all the cordon bleu options and going for very quick and easy. This is not the super healthiest of recipes but it’s a way of turning…

hot mango chutney, garlic white beans, marinated snake beans, marinated tromboncino and eggplant, labne, cherry tomatoes and cucumber

The 2013 Challenge – Food to Share

There have been several disparate themes mulling around vying for attention as my focus for 2013. I’ve been thinking about packaging, community, and how sharing food is so central, and I’ve been thinking about the conversation that is surfacing in permaculture circles lately about the misconception that permaculture is about self-sufficiency

zucchini and feta patties

Zucchini and Feta Patties

It hasn’t been a great year for zucchinis. This La Ninã year has been so wet here, that they are only having a short life before succumbing to fungal diseases. The trombochino though is loving it. Because it climbs, the vines and fruit are up off the ground and get better air flow. It’s the difference between growing commercially and home gardening, and one of the reasons why I think…