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The Breakfast Challenge – Frijoles Con Queso (Cheesy Beans)

The picture doesn’t really do justice to the hearty, spicy, creamy goodness of this.  It is one of my favourite breakfasts, and so fast and easy I often make it just for me.  So this is a one person recipe, and the kind of  high protein, high fibre, low GI, low fat, low calorie breakfast that people like me with low activity need to find tempting! It’s easily adapted though for more people or more active people, and it also makes a good Sunday night dinner when you are hungry but don’t feel like cooking or eating anything too elaborate.

(The Breakfast Challenge??)

The Recipe:

Serves one – double or treble for more.

This recipe, like just about all bean recipes, starts with “soak your beans”.  Bean Basics tells you why and how.  I use my home-grown Purple King seeds, but you can use kidney, pinto or black turtle beans.  Fresh beans will cook faster than old beans, so if you are buying beans, look for Australian grown ones with the latest “best before” date.

I start with ¹/3 cup of dried bean seeds, soaked overnight in cold water.  In the morning, I put the beans on to cook in the pressure cooker with 1½ cups of water and pressure cook for 10 minutes until they are very soft. (Larger, older beans will take longer).

While the beans are cooking, I sauté together one onion, finely diced, a couple of cloves of garlic, and half a chili in a little olive oil.  If you don’t like it spicy hot, you can substitute some diced capsicum or a good pinch of cumin for the chili, or just leave it out.

As soon as the beans are cooked, tip them, water and all, into the pan with the onions.  There should be just about the right amount of liquid to get all the tastiness out of the pan. Boil to reduce if necessary. You want something that will blend to dip consistency. Add two good dessertspoons of low fat cottage cheese and a pinch of salt.

Blend this mixture, using a blender, food processor, or stick blender, until it is smooth and creamy.  Add salt to taste – beans need a bit of salt – and serve with flatbread and a spoon.

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes, Snacks, Dips and Party Plate Food, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. Marita

    We love Mexican food in our household… one of our favourite lazy weekend morning bean recipes from Mexico is Huevos Rancheros – a corn tortilla topped with refried beans and a poached egg topped with tomato chilli sauce.

    Your recipe loks great – might try it this week by cooking beans in the sunoven.

  2. Linda

    A solar oven is on my list of things to try. I imagine it would work really well for cooking beans. Love to hear how it goes.

  3. Pingback:Fruiting Planting Days in Mid Spring – Beans of Many Kinds

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