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The Breakfast Challenge – Huevos Diablos (Devil’s Eggs)

devil's eggs huevos diablos

I wasn’t going to post until the new year, but my love for patterns got in the way, and it seemed a pity not to make it a clean sweep – a Breakfast Challenge recipe for every week of the year.  And this is one I’ve been waiting all year to get to! It is my partner’s very favourite breakfast, and cooked tomatoes are specially good for blokes – there is good evidence the lycopene in them is strongly protective against prostate cancer – but there’s lots of reasons for women to like them too.

It has been an interesting challenge. We have had a few favourites, recipes that made an appearance several times a week in their season, and variations on the same theme that flowed into another season.

Some version of a lhassi or smoothie, based on yoghurt and whatever fruit is in season has been a recurring theme – I posted Mango Lhassi and Custard Apple and Orange Juice Smoothie, but I skipped the Pawpaw and Strawberry Smootie,  Strawberry Milkshake, Mulberry Smoothie, Banana Smoothie and all the other fruit smoothies.

Some version of oatcakes, based on fruit in season, eggs and rolled oats has also appeared on our breakfast table most weeks of the year. I posted the Mango Oatcakes, and the Banana Oatcakes, but Peach Oatcakes, Blueberry Oatcakes, Apple Oatcakes, and Pear Oatcakes have also been favourites in their season.

Some version of omelette pikelets, with vegetables in season mixed with egg yolks and whipped egg whites are another standard.  I posted Sweet Corn and Capsicum Omelette Pikelets and Spinach and Feta Omelette Pikelets, and Fresh Pea and Mint Omelette Pikelets, but there have also been Broccoli and Lemon Omelette Pikelets and Pumpkin and Cheddar Omelette Pikelets and Zucchini and Feta Omelette Pikelets that haven’t made it onto the recipes yet.

Some version of a breakfast compote made from fresh fruit in season, with yoghurt and an oat-nut-seed topping comes up in our house at least once a week.  Tangelo Breakfast Compote, Apple and Peach Breakfast Compote, Pink Grapefruit Braised with Vanilla and Nuts are examples of the genre.

Nut butter on sourdough toast, made with macadamias and fruit in season was a favourite all the way through from April to August through maca season. I posted Macadamia and Pear Butter and Turmeric and Mandarin Nut Butter, but it felt a bit mean to post the Banana Nut Butter in this year when the bush turkeys ravages on our bananas were nothing compared to the effect cyclone Yasi had on prices.

Citrus curd – lemon curd, mandarin curd, lime curd, orange curd – on toast or pancakes came up much more often in real life than in the blog, but since the technique is the same it didn’t seem worth another recipe.

And of course there were eggs every which way, and a good few of my favourite ten minute vegetable recipes that are good for breakfast but also for a quick easy lunch or dinner. It’s been fun, it has made me a little more creative, a little less likely to just go with a piece of toast, and I hope it has shifted someone just a bit towards the idea that packaged breakfast cereals are a complete waste of everything – money, kilojoules, health, joy, food miles, packaging, water, and even, somewhere way back in the process, a little bit of agricultural land. Life’s too short for bad food!

The Recipe:

(For two.  But this is a good recipe for breakfast for lots of people if you multiply the recipe and use a very big pan, because it doesn’t require too much multitasking to get it all out at once.)

Toast on to cook and a heavy frypan on to heat up with a little olive oil.

Add (in this order):

  • An onion, diced
  • A zucchini, diced (or not – just we’re not allowed to eat anything without zucchini in it this time of year!)
  • A capsicum, sliced thinly
  • Chili to taste, finely diced (not too much – there’s not much to mellow it out in the recipe – I like spice and I only go for one mild-ish chili)
  • Garlic – two or three cloves crushed
  • Half a teaspoon of cumin seeds

Saute for a minute or two until the cumin seeds start to pop, then add tomatoes. If you have cherry or grape tomatoes, just add them whole. If you have Roma or beefsteak tomatoes, roughly chop them.  Cover the bottom of the pan with tomatoes – a good cup or two per person.

Add a little salt and pepper and cook for a minute or two till the tomatoes start to soften, then mash them roughly with a potato masher to release the juice.

Simmer for a couple of minutes, just to get it all hot then turn it down to medium low.

The next bit is easiest with a helper.  If you don’t have one handy, you’ll need to break eggs into cups first. Use an egg flip to make a little hollow in the tomato mix and quickly break an egg into it. Repeat for one or two eggs per person.

Put a lid on the pan and simmer for about three minutes till the whites of the eggs are set but the yolks are still runny.

Serve hot on toast.

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes

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  1. Kate

    Oh yum that sounds great. And I have to agree that every meal at this time of year has to have zucchini in it!. Thank you for all your wonderful recipes and highlighting them today as I didn’t start following your blog until recently and I’d hate to miss any one of your wonderful ideas. I have really enjoyed popping in to see what your up to and look forward to visiting in the new year. Kate

  2. Linda

    Hi Kate, I’m glad you are enjoying it. You can always find earlier recipes, nicely categorised, in the Recipes page.

  3. Lisa

    Thanks for all your great recipes througout the year, some like the super fast frittata have become staples in our home. This one looks like a other winner and I will give it a go on Saturday morning, my family has really enjoyed trying new combinations. Thanks.

  4. cecilia gunther

    Fantastic, I have just come in from feeding out (cows, sheep and chickens) and if i had tomatoes (but alas wrong hemisphere) i would be making this now. I was interested to note your reference to tomatoes and prostate cancer. I have often asked why it is that the tomatoes often seem to be the domain of the man in the vege garden. All the male growers I know Love to grow tomatoes. Hmm. We do not eat processed foods. So I wonder, if there is no salt and sugar addictions present, whether our bodies tell us what we should be eating. i.e. men and tomatoes! me and onions! Hmm. c
    thank you again.. c

  5. Linda

    Hi Cecilia, I do wonder if there is any way I can make a reversed seasons posting timetable for northern hemisphere-ers. Must be so frustrating! I do agree with you about bodies knowing. I usually have a moment or so of looking inwards deciding what I want to eat, and if I analyse it I can usually place what it is I am after – if we had a vegetable soup for dinner, I am likely to feel like something with protein and fats, like eggs and mayonnaise for breakfast. If it’s a hayfever-ish day, I’m likely to feel like something spicy wth ginger and turmeric. I think we do know.

  6. Julie


    Thank you so much for sharing so many recipes with everyone here on the internet! I don’t think I have posted on your blog before, but as I have just tried outone of yor recipes, I thught it was in order!
    Made this today as a Saturday noon treat, and it was delicious. I copied a link for the recipe in my post and can be found here:
    I hope you don’t mind! And I also hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂


  7. Pingback:In Season – Tomatoes

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