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The First of the Season’s Broccoli

The first of the season’s broccoli.  Not quite the first – I’ve cut a couple of heads early, before they were really ready – but the first full size head.  This is Calibri variety, and it will keep bearing side shoots for a couple of months.  The early ones will be nearly as big as this first head, getting smaller and smaller the longer I keep picking.  We had this one lightly steamed then sauteed very quickly in sesame oil and sesame seeds, with a little squeeze of lemon juice at the end.  By the time the cabbage moths and heat get them in October, I will be well over eating broccoli, but for now I am looking forward to dozens of recipes.

Do you have some broccoli favourites to share?

Posted in In Season, Recipes, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. Jessica

    One of the compensations for not being able to grow mangoes in Canterbury (NZ) is that you *can* grow cranberries. I am not at all smug. 😉

    And I have made this without the cranberries and it works just as well. Also, no need to toast the almonds if you’re in a lazy mood. It’s a very forgiving recipe.

  2. Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial

    Love it! We’re getting broccoli from the garden as well – it’s almost our only crop at the moment (if you don’t count the edible weeds!). We often cook our broccoli (broken into small florets) with olive oil, anchovies, garlic and chilli – it gets cooked down until soft and is then served over pasta.

  3. Nanette

    I’ve been harvesting my broccoli too, it’s something I eat every day and get a bit twitchy if there’s none in the fridge. I mostly steam it and add to tofu, or pasta, or have it with steamed baby potatoes with flaxseed oil drizzled over. When there’s too much, I make green soup with whatever’s in the fridge/garden that’s green! Add some lima beans or chickpeas and you have a good meal.

    Love the sound of Jessica’s broccolie slaw.

    Oh and I made your crepes suzette for my mid morning snack yesterday, (I eat breakfast very early) no oranges so I used a locally grown tangello that was a bit sour for eating straight….yum, very delicious!

  4. Linda

    I love the idea of green soup – Mollie Katzen’s brussels sprouts soup is one of the main reasons I grow brussels sprouts, so I can see how broccoli would work in a soup. And sauteed with anchovies garlic and chilies, yum!

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