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Winter Salad/Summer Salad

Winter salad/summer salad, and not a single ingredient in common. We need more words for “salad”! So people don’t get confused and think they need tomato-rocks that have survived a road train trip to make a salad in winter, or soapy tasting hydroponic lettuce in summer!  End of rant.

The winter salad is:

  • lettuces of several kinds
  • rocket
  • parsley
  • celery
  • carrots
  • snow peas
  • nasturtium
  • mandarin segments
  • avocado
  • cottage cheese
  • dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce and chili jam shaken together in a jar

The summer salad is

  • cucumber
  • tomato
  • basil
  • capsicum
  • aragula
  • red salad onion
  • olives
  • dressing of balsamic vinegar with olive oil, soy sauce and a little honey
Posted in Recipes, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. dixiebelle

    I love any salad, and funnily enough, I am eating more salad now in Winter than I did last Summer? Salads are a great way to put heaps of In Season stuff into a bowl, and I think having too much junk food when I was recovering from my operation, I was SO craving greens and crunchy vege’s and yummy salads full of good stuff after a week!

  2. Anonymous

    I love warm salads too…roast seasonal veggies, tossed with leaves and drizzled with a dressing. Winter salads are such a nice accompaniment to hot food…which (although I love it) can be a bit heavy. A salad adds lightness and a different texture.

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