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Zucchini and Haloumi Patties

The zucchini glut is upon us!  (And the tromboncino are about to start now too).  This was a make-it-up as you go recipe, and the quantities are very negotiable. But it is fast and easy and a good way to make zucchini work for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The Recipe:

(Makes 6 patties).

In a bowl mix together:

  • a large zucchini or a couple of medium ones, grated
  • a matchbox size piece of haloumi chopped into small dice (or a bit more if you like)
  • a good handful of sweet or lemon basil chopped fine
  • a spring onion chopped fine
  • about half a teaspoon of grated lemon zest (or a bit more if you like)
  • two small to medium size eggs
  • a good handful of wholemeal flour

Squish together with your hands to make a thick patty mix.  Shape into patties and shallow fry in light olive oil in a medium hot pan.  You want your pan hot enough that they cook in a few minutes each side to golden and crispy.

Serve hot with a salad and chutney, or with a poached egg, or cold in a lunch box.

Posted in Recipes, Vegetable Recipes

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  1. celia

    Bugger – we don’t even have our trombies in the ground yet – we finally managed to raise two sturdy seedlings, but the weather was 12C less than a week ago and bucketing with rain, so it’s been hard to do much. Zucchini season already! Having said all that, I still have frozen giant trombie in the freezer which would be perfect for this recipe! 🙂

  2. Linda

    I’m glad you have some trombie seedlings up at last. I’ve been contemplating whether there is any way I could get seedlings to you alive!

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