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In My Fridge Is…

A container of cooked Madagascar beans.  I cooked them today in the slow cooker while there was heaps of solar power.  We’ll probably have them for breakfast tomorrow as Cheesy Beans or  Chili Beans, or just beans with eggs.

In my fridge is a little packet of goat’s feta.  I don’t have any specific plans for it, but goat’s feta (or even ordinary feta) goes so well with the sweet little cherry tomatoes, basil, red onions, and rocket I have in the garden right now that I add some to the shopping regularly.

In my fridge is a jar of preserved limes.  They make the best cold drink, just a slice added to soda water with some ice.

In my fridge are half a dozen duck eggs. Our ducks – Simone and Daphne  – only lay for a few months but they are worth feeding all year for those few months of duck egg pasta.

In my fridge is a very small container of left-over slow cooked goat shoulder, ethically harvested and slow cooked with preserved lemon, garlic, rosemary, thyme and oregano till it was falling off the bone.  With a tray of roasted beetroots, carrots and red onions and a Greek salad, it was a great dinner party. Thus the very small container of leftovers.

In my fridge is a container of yoghurt.  Necessary for curries, fruit salad, smoothies, and mixing with cucumber and mint or coriander and mint as a dipping sauce.  And for making labne which is what I mostly use instead of cottage cheese or ricotta.

In my fridge is a litre of local, permeate free real milk.

In my fridge is my container of sourdough starter. It seems strange to say but I haven’t once bought bread at home since Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial introduced me to sourdough nearly six years ago. It’s just become a routine part of my life and I cannot imagine going back to fake bread.

In my fridge are a dozen bars of dark chocolate.  What?  It was on special!

And that’s about all.  I’m a big fan of small fridges.

Posted in Energy efficiency

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