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The Breakfast Challenge – Broad Beans on Toast

I picked the first broad beans of the season this morning, and I cannot remember why I ever thought broad beans boring.  There was a time though, when I grew them just because they were so healthy and treated them as a filler.   Maybe I’ve just become a better cook? But we fought over the last piece of this sourdough toast with broad beans and herby labne this morning.

Broad beans are a super food.  They share all the good stuff in legumes in general –  low GI and good source of protein, fibre, several vitamins, potassium and iron. Their special claim to fame though is that they contain lots of l- dopa, a precursor to dopamine. There’s lots of research around about broad beans for Parkinson’s and some about broad beans for depression and anxiety, but at the least, they make you feel good.

(The Breakfast Cereal Challenge is my 2011 challenge – a year’s worth of breakfast recipes based on in-season ingredients, that are quick and easy enough to be a real option for weekdays, and that are preferable, in nutrition, ethics, and taste,  to the overpackaged, overpriced, mostly empty packets of junk food marketed as “cereal” .The Muesli Bar Challenge was my 2010 Challenge.)

The Recipe:

Makes enough for three slices of toast (which is why we fought over the third!)

It’s fastest in a pressure cooker, but a pot with a tight lid is fine.

Saute a small onion, diced, in a good swig of olive oil (don’t be stingy with the oil – there’s no fat anywhere else in the recipe.)

When the onion is starting to brown, add

  • two cloves of garlic, crushed,
  • half a cup of shelled broad beans,
  • half a cup of water,
  • a grinding of black pepper
  • and a good pinch of salt

Bring to pressure and pressure cook for just 4 minutes, or put the lid on and simmer for 10 minutes watching it at the end.

Squeeze in the juice of ¼ lemon and simmer for another couple of minutes to reduce till there is barely any liquid left. Taste and adjust salt and lemon juice to taste.

While the broad beans are cooking, blend together

  • ¼ cup labne, quark or fromage frais (or any kind of low fat yoghurt cheese)
  • a few leaves of chives
  • scant teaspoon fresh thyme
  • scant teaspoon lemon rind
  • pinch of salt

Spread the herby cream cheese spread on toast (I used my homemade megagrain sourdough) and then the broad beans on top.

Posted in Breakfast, Recipes

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  1. cyndi

    i really enjoy your blog and the breakfast challenge. i’m a bit jealous though because my broadbean plants are still just flowering. i have yet to see any pods. hopefully soon.

  2. Linda

    You’re in Victoria aren’t you? You will have a bit longer than me to get a harvest. I’m right at the edge of the range for broad beans, so I’m very pleased to see these early enough that I’ll likely get a month or so of bearing.

  3. Kristy

    I have an annoying condition called Restless Leg Syndrome that makes my legs ache and become unbearably restless at night … Not all the time, but enough to be frustrating and sleep depriving. When I went to the doctor they said they would have to give me l-dopa, which i denied, not being much of a fan of medication.
    Who knew that all I needed to do was eat broad beans!! I’m trying this recipe for sure, and will take a bean (mine are growing but not yet flowering) over a pill any day!

  4. Pingback:The Breakfast Challenge – Broad Bean Dip with Soldiers

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