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Category: Energy efficiency

Site analysis with sectors and zones

Site Analysis – Zones and Sectors

I’m not going to show you the actual designing we did. It’s way too wild and messy for publishing. But this is an idealised, post hoc version. And, the ideas and principles learned in rural homesteading did help get it right in less than the decade or so it took us the first time. If nothing else, it taught us that this step is worth doing.


In a comment about our new bathroom someone asked whether our kitchen design was different too. I hadn’t thought about kitchen in those terms, but perhaps it is radical – it’s not very much like the kitchens I see in Bunnings. I do love it though – it would be one of the main things I would miss if I ever moved.

Blockading Bentley

The system is broken. Absolutely buggered. Two bit tin-pot companies with absentee directors and no money are allowed to take out exploration licenses over vast areas of land that they don’t own, and have no sense of responsibility for. Doesn’t matter if it is prime agricultural or watershed or rural residential or ecologically significant or if the owner disagrees.