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Category: Design

Permaculture garden design principles and ideas

Feeding the Chooks and the Chooks Feeding Us

Chooks are such a good way to double the harvest. These bok choy were self sown and if I’d been pressed for space I would have fed them to the chooks as greens much earlier. We ate a few leaves, but then since I had nothing desperately needing the spot I let them go to seed – which they did very happily, producing lots and lots of seed (which is…

Azolla for the Chooks

Azolla is a really valuable plant. It’s a rampant native waterweed, that is symbiotic with a nitrogen fixing bacteria, so, like legumes, it is capable of harvesting nitrogen out of the air and putting it into a form that plants can use as a fertilizer.

The Mulch Mountain

I like mowing. It’s just hard enough work for me to feel entirely justified ignoring the gym. A few kilometres of power walking, a bit of aerobic exercise pushing it uphill, a bit of weight training emptying the bag, a bit of stretching and flexing. The perfect workout.


I wonder if you can see this? It was stunning to see but hard to photograph.  This is looking from my verandah down at the gum trees in the early morning light, and they are covered in cobwebs!  Hundreds of them.  There’s a major convention of spiders happening at our place. And we have no mozzies.   No sign of the mozzie plague that is supposedly happening all over Australia…