Nowadays I quite often make a meal that features vegetables as the main, not the side dish, and I very rarely use any water that will be drained off. If you garden, fresh vegetables are so gorgeous that it is hard to improve on just serving them as themselves.
This is one of the all time most popular recipes on Witches Kitchen, and one of my favourites too.
One of the best things about Australian cuisine (besides its base in fresh produce) is its multiculturalism. We are recipe bower birds, picking up anything that is bright and shiny from other places and taking it home!
This week’s Muesli Bar Challenge recipe features oranges. It is coming to the end of the navel orange season, and once they finish there will be a gap of a few months until the beginning of the Valencia season.
There is something very satisfying about using the whole of an animal that is killed for food, and even more so when it leads to this. The bouillabaisse fed another dinner party of eleven people, so those fish made a total of over 20 meals. I felt like a very good predator!
I am on a bit of a roll with the mandarin, ricotta and honey flavours. Plus mandarins are getting towards the end of their season so I’m eager to make the most of them. This one is, like last week’s cake, super easy. The flavours are similar -this one is a bit stronger flavoured – but the texture is quite different, more like a cheesecake.
This is a riff on Mollie Katzen’s Green Green Noodle Soup, with a little bit of “Green Eggs and Ham” inspiration.