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Fridge Pickles

Bountiful carrots and radishes out of the garden at the moment, which is very nice because it’s coming up to rice paper roll season, and if you have some lightly pickled carrots and radishes, an avocado and rice paper roll wrappers, you have all the ingredients for a real work or school lunch box treat. (If you have some pickled ginger too, it raises it to gourmet level).

The recipe is dead simple – some julienned carrots and radishes (and you can add turnip or beetroot too if you like) packed into a clean jar. Pack in some bay leaves and/or some seeds – dill, fennel, and/or coriander – if you like, and cover with hot pickling mix. Cool and leave it sit in the fridge at least overnight, better for a few days, before using.

The pickling mix is just water mixed 50:50 with good vinegar (apple cider, or a nice white wine vinegar), with sugar and salt dissolved in it. (Ie, half a cup of water, half a cup of vinegar). How much sugar and salt? About 1/4 cup of sugar and a heaped teaspoon of salt for every cup of water-vinegar mix. Taste and adjust to your taste.

Best to heat it in an enamel or stainless steel pot, or in pyrex or glass, because iron or aluminium taints the vinegar.

These are fridge pickles, not the kind that you can put on a shelf in a sealed jar to last for months. But in a fridge, they will last for several weeks, getting better and better.

Posted in Preserves, Recipes

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  1. Linda

    I got my sourdough starter originally from Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial, and learned to make it from her blog. Her starter is a very old one, and so good she names hers and keeps a family tree for it. I’ve not bought bread for over a decade now – it was such a revelation. But I’ve never made starter from scratch. If know anyone locally who has one, they are likely to be very happy to give you a bit, then it’s just a matter of feeding it. I have successfully mailed dried flakes – I could try that.

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