I so love the way the whole gaggle take on responsibility for the goslings. The adults stand guard, watching in every direction while the babies graze. Trevor (the big white male on the right) goes mental if you pick up a baby. He has no real weaponry – no fangs or claws – but he knows his role is to protect them. Jackie, in the middle, sat on the eggs, but Maria stayed with her the whole time circumnavigating the island where she sat looking for threats while Trevor and Kermit (the other adult male) stood guard on the bank. They know their future as a gaggle rests with the new generation, and they’ll all do better if they all do better. Smart geese.
Gonski Geese

Posted in Animals
Love the association, and the sentiment ‘we all do better if our kids do better’. It’s so obvious that it must be hard to see.
I have chickens at the moment, they are not as tribal in their orientation; in the domestic poultry world they are the most like soccer mums I feel. They will chase off other chicks (usually) and will fight with any hen who dares to question their mothering.
Too bad some adult humans didn’t have some duck genes, their offspring may be better off. Lovely story, thanks for sharing.
smart indeed! And super cute too 🙂
What good parents they are!
Hi Linda.
I love your books and website. You are a great inspiration.
I noticed your dam liner. We’ve bought a place with a leaky dam and its been on my list to sort out for a while.
My garden gets by on bore water but I have to be careful with it. It burns some leaves of some plants and I wonder about the sustainability of using it.
What type of dam liner has been installed at your place? Have you been happy with it so far?