Usually I leave the slugs to the bluetongue. I’d hate to starve him (or her) into deciding to live somewhere else. But he’s a bit too well fed, and I’m not. The carrots were a lovely patch of green shoots when I planted them out, then by morning they were gone.
So I wasted a stubby of good Corona, and I hope the slugs appreciated it.

A cup with an inch of beer, buried so the rim is at the soil surface, overnight collected all these. The chooks will feast on beer marinated slugs.
Hopefully she (?) is so fat and slow because your garden is soon to be gifted with some baby blue tongues. Have you tried a water/yeast/sugar/flour substitute for beer? With all the rain I’ve been getting the snails are popping up everywhere so I’ve mixed up a batch to try.
I hope so! I’ve never tried that mix, but worth a go.
Can you please tell the area you are gardening in? I’m in the Noosa hinterland
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