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50 things about me

I’m the Linda Woodrow who wrote 470 (Melliodora Publishing, 2020). (You can find out about it, including where to find it, at And The Permaculture Home Garden (Penguin, 1996). I’m not the Linda Woodrow who was briefly married or engaged or something, to Elton John. I started this blog over a decade ago now. It spans some changes. My passion and interest these days is climate change, and how we get it together…

Hot Mango and Tomato Chutney

Our mangoes are starting to ripen, and this year there is a bumper crop. I remember as a child in suburban Rockhampton mangoes were so prolific in their season that they laid thick on the ground making even the air alcoholic, and even the flying foxes couldn’t get through them. I’m not big on preserves. Many years ago I made a rule that I was not going to preserve anything…