If I had just one pot to plant now, what would I be planting in it?
We are harvesting the first macadamias of the season, and by the look of our trees it will be a good year. And the basil…
It’s past Lammas so the days are shortening fast now, telling potential bolters that winter is coming so going to seed now is a bad idea, and the best strategy is to store food to last through to spring.
I’m harvesting squash, tomatoes and capsicum from the garden, so this is my current favourite breakfast.
This recipe is in my handwritten book as Wwoofer’s Zuke Bread because the original came to me from a wwoofer years ago. It’s evolved a bit since then, and I’ve turned it into a muffin to make it more suitable for lunch boxes.
One morning in 2000, I came out and every single seedling I’d planted the day before had been dug up. It was the beginning of the end for a style of gardening that had served me very well for over a decade.
The picture doesn’t really do justice to the hearty, spicy, creamy goodness of this. It is one of my favourite breakfasts, and so fast and easy I often make it just for me.