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Roots and Perennials Planting Days in Late Spring – Hazpac-ing the Carrots

There’s a permaculture principle of designing for disaster. The same principle applies to big disasters (whoever had the bright idea of building the Fukushima nuclear plant wasn’t taking account of it), or small disasters like a hailstorm or a day of sizzling hot weather when carrots are germinating or establishing. Like many permaculture principles it’s hardly rocket science: just research, consider and design for the extremes not just the ideal,…

Nearly Summer In Season

The paw paws have been prolific this year. We’re eating one a day most days, but they’re starting to slow down from now on. The strawberries weren’t as good this year as last year, mostly because I got too busy in winter to plant out a new bed or mulch up and compost the old one, so they were a bit neglected and they paid out on me for it.…

Sourdough Naan Bread

Sourdough naan are superfast and easy, except that, like all sourdoughs, you have to think ahead. If I think to feed the culture the night before, and spend 5 minutes making the dough in the morning, I can make naan to go with dinner just by multitasking while dinner is cooking. And fresh, hot, soft naan turn a curry or a stew into something special. The Recipe: